Let’s be honest. 2021 has not been a banner year. We began the year locked down, got a reprieve and yet ended the year with restrictions all over again. There have been so many things that didn’t happen. Like the year before, this has been year we would prefer to just forget.
Recently, however, during my morning newspaper read I came across an article in the Washington Post entitled simply, 21 Good Things that Happened in 2021. It was a reminder to me that too often I just see the negative that I forget the good things that happen. And so I want to offer my personal list of 21 Good Things that Happened this year. They are in no particular order, just things that popped into my mind.
1. Eagle Watch Weekend.
We heard about this on our first visit to Nova Scotia, a weekend (actually a couple months) when Bald Eagles gather in Sheffield Mills. People come from all over to photograph them. Growing up in the US where the Bald Eagle is our national bird, I had only seen about 5 in my life. It is not unusual to see over 70 gathering for breakfast. Still amazing!
2. A job I enjoy.
We heard a lot this year of people leaving their jobs. Especially poignant for me was hearing the number of ministers not only leaving their church, but leaving ministry. I understand that. This has been a hard period. But as hard as it is, I still find great joy in leading worship every Sunday with a congregation that gives me the freedom of the pulpit.
It was JUST 2 feet of snow!
3. Winter.
I know! For a boy of the Carolina’s who grew up on the beach I never thought that winter would become my favorite season! (My dermatologist reminds me that I have skin that was made for Nunavut, not the Carolina beaches!) But the beauty of our area when it is covered in snow just makes this a magical place to be and live!
4. The beach.
Having said that. There is no place in Nova Scotia where you are more than 48 miles from the ocean. But not oceans are created equal. The Bay of Funny, with the largest tides in the world (see below) down not have the waves nor the smell of the “real” ocean. I found myself needing that this year, and so Anita and I took a trip to Martinique Beach, just to hear and smell the ocean. Got my fix.
5. Technology.
I know there are so many bad parts about the technology surrounding us, but without it…. We have utilized it to share our worship services in times of lockdowns, but for me it has been the ways in which I have been able to stay in touch with family and friends. Being able to see them has made the distance bearable.
6. Morning phone calls with Beau.
Talk about technology! Occasionally I will be sitting at home and get a text. “Bop?” Our grandson can’t yet get “Grandfather” with a British accent down, so now we are settling for “Bop.” It is his way of getting some screen time, but also my time to see how fast he is growing. The best part of my day!
7. Sabbatical.
This year I was granted a 2 month sabbatical by our church. We spent the time seeing family, going to Preacher Camp, resting. It is such as gift! This was the 8th sabbatical of my career and I can’t imagine doing this job without that regular opportunity just to set everything down and just be.
8. Preacher Camp.
For the 18th time our group of ministers gathered together. We spend the time planning worship for the coming year, but even more sharing and supporting each other. Again, I just can’t imagine ministry without this group. They are my people!
9.. Vaccines.
People who know me know that I HATE shots. No, that isn’t true. I hate needles. That is why I will never ever ever get a tattoo! But this year I found myself anticipating, looking forward to, marking the days until I could get my Covid vaccination. At my first one when it was over I thought she was joking! As the year comes to a close I am looking forward to January 13th for my booster shot!
10. Friends with Snowblowers.
I know I said I love winter, but when you get 2 feet of snow at one time! It would take forever and 3 days and possibly a heart attack to get the driveways cleared. But then, just when you resign yourself to the horrible task you hear that wonderful sound of a friend coming with his snowblower to rescue you! As they say, “The only thing better than having a snowblower is having a friend with a snowblower!”
11. Apples.
I know, you like apples too. But have you ever had Nova Scotia apples! Then you may not know apples! We have the normal ones: MacIntosh, Gala, Cortland, Honey Crisps. But we also have Gravensteins, Jona Gold, Sarah Apple (No, I didn’t date her in college!) And so many others. Varieties I had never heard of, but now can taste the difference!
12. Scallops.
Digby Scallops are just the best. That’s all!
13. Lobsters
Since we are talking about seafood we need to talk about lobster! Looking forward to having this for New Year’s Eve dinner. So impressed with the traps, the brave fisher people who harvest them, and especially the lobsters themselves!
14. Christianne Rushton.
Throughout my career I have been blessed with incredible Ministers of Music. Patsy Holler, Bill Thomas, Glenn Adkins, Deanna McBroom. For the last 4 years I have had the honor and privilege of working with Christianne. She brings so much to our work—enthusiasm, sensitivity, and so much talent. I am moved all the time!
15. Laura and Tom Flowers.
It is not lost on me that living in Nova Scotia means that I am so far from my mother, who needs more and more assistance (though she refuses to admit that!). That task has fallen on Laura Flowers and Tom Flowers, my younger sister and brother. I am so appreciative of what they do so I can do what I do.
16. Vacation.
This is different from sabbatical. This year we spent time together as a family in Montreat. We also saw Anita’s family at our niece’s wedding. It was time to be with this those to whom we are connected, and love!
17. Tides
Having lived on the SC coast I got used to the tide. At least that is what I thought! But until you have lived near the highest tides in the world! After all this time I still find myself amazed as I drive over the bridge into Port Williams and see the tide that fluctuates 40 feet! To see boats sitting in the mud, or floating ready to head out to see! Just mind blowing every time!
18. Unexpected Friendships
One of the unexpected wonderful gifts of being in NS is the friendships with so many Syrian refugees. I often joke that I may have more Muslim Facebook friends than any other Baptist minister! But they are such a gift as they have shared their journey, their children, their joy! One even gave us a turkey for our Christmas feast. So much for the war on Christmas!
19. Family.
We have been so blessed with our daughters, and son in laws, and a grandson. They are just the best and bring me so much joy!
20. Anita
Almost 38 years ago we stood the day of our wedding listening to a dear friend sing Billy Joel’s, “You’re My Home.” I didn’t realize how much that song would come to the choral rendition of our lives. It is a long way from Wet Virginia, to Louisville, KY, to Lenoir, NC, to Greenville, SC, to Charleston, SC to Wolfville, NS. But wherever we find ourselves, as long as she is with me, I am home!
21. Hope for 2022.
We couldn’t know what this year would hold, but we are excitedly thrilled about adding another member in early 2022! Savannah and Jon are expecting a baby (I’ve already told that so she will need to forgive me yet again!) So next year I can add another Good Thing/person!
Wishing you lots of good things in 2022!