If you have followed our journeys over the past few years you know the we have seen a lot of wonderful sites—from the beauty of Nova Scotia, to the glory of London, to the joyous love of grandchildren. I have tried to share the stories, but also from time to time the pictures as well.
This is Beau. We have another adorable grandson but his parents forbid any social media. Your loss!
One thing you may have noticed is that along with the natural beauty and wonderful landmarks, I like the quirky off the beaten path sites. They just fit my personality!
For instance, even though my children tell me it is politically incorrect, I love South of the Border! Very time I travel I-95 I try to stop! (A lot of times Anita just forbids it!). But how can you pass up the glory of Dillion County, SC? (And did you you know that the Former Chair of the Federal Reserve of the United State, Ben Bernanke got his start working there?)
That is only one of the sites we have visited. Some have been historical sites, like Menlo Park, NJ, which is not only the home of Thomas Edison’s lab, but also the site of the World’s Largest Lightbulb! An enlightening experience!
One of my favorite “off the beaten paths” sites (but one not to be missed in Unger, WV) is the Land of Giants. Named one of the top 50 Roadside Attractions it must be seen to be believed
We have seen some attractions in Nova Scotia too, though they don’t do tacky like Americans. But the World’s Largest Blueberry in Oxford, NS (not far from the sinkhole) is another don’t miss if you are in the area!
All of these have been sites that have brought joy to my soul! But this last weekend…. As much as Anita protested, I had to stop. We were driving home from our nephew’s wedding when we saw it. Right there on Hwy 220 in Boones Mill, VA is…..Trump World!
No, not his golf course or his winery of his hotel; not covered in gold, but….
How could we not stop? No, I didn’t go in, but….
There are all kinds of editorial comments I could make, but with Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon both being removed today I will resist.
Except to say, this may very well be a site too far!